sham n. 1.假冒;虚伪;欺诈。 2.虚伪的事;伪(装)物;赝品。 3.骗子;欺骗者。 4.(起床后做装饰用的)枕头套;床单。 a pillow sham (作装饰用的)绣花枕套。 a sheet sham 装饰性床单。 adj. 假的;虚伪的;仿制的。 a sham fight 演习战;模拟战。 a sham gentleman 伪君子。 a sham plea 【法律】(以拖延时间为目的的)虚伪的抗辩。 vt.,vi. 假装,冒充。 sham illness [ill] 装病。 sham sleep [asleep] 装睡。 She is not ill, she is only shamming. 她没有病,是在装病。 sham Abraham 装病。
It was fine the day when i flew to sham wat on lantau . however , i did not have the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery 飞往大屿山深屈当日天色良好,但我无心欣赏沿途景色,只反覆紧记安全守则。
It was fine the day when i flew to sham wat on lantau . however , i did not have the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery 飞往大屿山深屈当日天色良好,但我无心欣赏沿途景色,只反覆紧记安全守则。
A spokesman for the agriculture , fisheries and conservation department ( afcd ) said the draft map is prepared by the country and marine parks authority . it shows the extent of the proposed country park which covers most of the hilly areas stretching from tai shan above penny s bay in the east , to tai ho , tung chung and sham wat in the west 渔农自然护理署(渔护署)发言人表示,该地图展示建议中的北大屿郊野公园(扩建部分)的范围,覆盖地区包括东面的竹篙湾对上的大山至西面的大蚝、东涌及深屈大部分的山区。